
Spurn Bird Observatory Sightings January 2023

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Summary of latest sightings

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Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Bright and sunny with a strong F7 north westerly. Watches 0730-1400. The sea was again good with a Shelduck, 1 Pintail, 2 Eider, a Great Crested Grebe, 4 Kittiwake, 21 Black-headed Gull, an adult Mediterranean Gull, 125 Herring Gull, 465 Guillemots, 201 Large Auk sp, 444 Red-throated Diver, 4 Fulmar and 3 Cormorant.

The 2 Shore Larks were still at beacon ponds and 24 Snow Buntings at the Warren and a Pale-bellied Brent was with the Brent flock.

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Monday, 30 January 2023

Sunny with a breezy F4 north westerly.  Watches 0730-1115, 1310-1500.  The sea was yet again busy with a hint of north in the wind with some good Auk counts in particular. Totals for the day were 2 Velvet Scoters, 50 Kittiwake, 52 Common Gulls, 264 Herring Gulls, 440 Guillemots, 1578 Large Auk sp, 119 Red-throated Divers, a Fulmar and 48 Gannets.

The 19 Snow Buntings were wandering around the Warren area while the WEBS counts didnt produce any significant big counts though 1500 Oystercatchers, 117 Lapwings, 52 Ringed Plovers, 169 Black-tailed Godwits, 1200 Knot, 542 Dunlins and 240 Redshank plus another good count of 235 Cormorants.

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Sunday, 29 January 2023

Sunny spells and a F4 north westerly. Watches 0730-1000. A quiz in the Crown & Anchor was in aid of the Obs and £150 was raised, a big thanks to Jonnie and everyone who attended.  The 2 Shore Larks and 15 Snow Buntings were still present as were the 2 Scaup on beacon ponds and the adult Black Brant put in another appearance on Kilnsea wetlands.

Other sightings included 2 Red-legged Partridge in Kilnsea, 174 Black-tailed Godwits on the Humber, a Woodcock in Easington, Merlin at chalk bank and 3 Stonechats along the peninsula.

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Saturday, 28 January 2023

Overcast with a light F1 south westerly. Watches 0745-0915. Work party at Beacon ponds today removing rubbish and preparing the site for this years Terns, the old hut from the early 1990's was taken down and removed with observers here having the added bonus of the 2 Shore Larks as they worked. The day also saw 23 Snow Buntings recorded (8 gas terminal, 15 breach), 2 Cetti's Warbler along the canal, a good total of 236 Black-tailed Godwits on the Humber and both Chiffchaff and Blackcap in Easington.

The Kilnsea wetlands area held 350 Pink-footed Geese to roost, 250 Wigeon, 120 Teal, 11 Little Grebe and a Little Egret.

Just outside the area the adult Black Brant was again at Skeffling.

Ringing 1 House Sparrow, 1 Blackbird, 2/2

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Friday, 27 January 2023

Watches 0735-1130, 1400-1500. The sea was still quite decent despite the change in wind direction 9 Wigeon, 3 Teal, 3 Edier, a Velvet Scoter, 29 Common Scoter, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 92 Kittiwake, 61 Herring Gulls, 46 Guillemot, 3 Razorbills, 27 Large Auk sp, 134 Red-throated Divers and 5 Gannets.

The 2 Shore Larks were still present and sometimes quite elusive at Easington lagoons, the 2 Scaup again on beacon ponds, the Little Owl sat on its favoured telegraph pole on the back of a trailer at grange farm and the Bearded Tit and Cetti's Warbler along the canal. Other sightings were a Merlin and 3 Stonechats around beacon ponds.

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Thursday, 26 January 2023

Mild and overcast with showers and a F4 north westerly. Watches 0745-1030, 1230-1500. A bit of north in the wind brought a few bits over the sea the best being a Red-necked Grebe heading north along with a Great Northern Diver and Manx Shearwater. The sea also had 5 Common Scoter, 110 Kittiwake, 51 Guillemot, 18 Large Auk sp, 59 Red-throated Diver, a Fulmar and 19 Gannets.

The Iceland Gull put in another appearance flying south over Easington with the 2 Shore Larks still nearby at the lagoons, but just 6 Snow Buntings today by the blue bell.

Juts outside the area 47 Whooper Swans by Skeflling pumping station.

Ringing 1 Chaffinch

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Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Bright and sunny start couding over with rain and F4 north westerly. Watches 0740-1000, 1400-1520.  The 2 Shore Larks and 19 Snow Buntings were still on offer to visitors in the Easington lagoon area, the Bearded Tit along the canal and 2 Whooper Swans at Sammys where 35 Pintail were also present along with 190 Black-tailed Godwits.

Just outside the area the adult Black Brant was by Skeffling pumping station.

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Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Bright and sunny with a light F2 south westerly. Watches 0745-1100.  And repeat...the 2 Shore Larks and 18 Snow Buntings were still in residence as was the Little Owl at grange farm and Cetti's Warbler in sykes field. Also of note were 90 Common Scoter, a Mediterranean Gull and 110 Black-tailed Godwits on the Humber and 2 Stonechat around the area.

Ringing 2 Blackbird, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Greenfinch, 4/3

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Monday, 23 January 2023

Overnight frost with blue skies and sun again along with light winds. Watches 1330-1500. The theme continues with the 2 Shore Lark and 18 Snow Buntings at beacon ponds, where a pair of Scaup were also present. A Cetti's Warbler in sykes field and Bearded Tit along the canal completed the other regulars from the last couple of weeks. On the Humber 183 Black-tailed Godwits were a decent count, a Woodcock at Sammys, Rock Pipit over the saltmarsh and 3 Stonechat in the area.

Over the sea 138 Pink-footed Geese headed north west, 6 Eider and 51 Red-throated Diver were the best sightings.

Ringing 1 Blackbird, 1 Dunnock, 1 Greenfinch

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Sunday, 22 January 2023

After another frosty start a bright sunny day with light winds. Watches 0740-1010. Yet again little change the 2 Shore Larks and Scaup still at beacon ponds, 18 Snow Buntings around the breach area, 170 Black-tailed Godwits on the Humber, a Chiffchaff and Goldcrest at the sewage works and a Rock Pipit on clubleys.

Some ducks over the sea heading south included 19 Wigeon, 7 Pintail and 11 Teal and 10 Siskin headed south overland.

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Saturday, 21 January 2023

Frosty again witha bright sunny day and light winds. Watches 1345-1640. Despite plenty of observers out and about, it didnt really produce any extra sightings, the 18 Snow Buntings around the warren, the Bearded Tit along the canal though a Barnacle Goose was with 400 Pink-footed Geese by the gas terminal. 

Other bits of note were a Water Rail in KIlnsea, 137 Black-tailed Godwits on the Humber and a Woodcock, Goldcrest and Mistle Thrush in KIlnsea.

Ringing 1 Woodcock

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Friday, 20 January 2023

Heavy frost again led to a bright and sunny day with a F3 north westerly. Watches 0740-1010, 1150-1600. The 1cy Iceland Gull blogged the area spending time eventually on Kilnsea wetlands then flying off north over Easington with 18 Snow Buntings by the seawatching hut. Observers here had 2 Asio Owls in/off. 

Over the sea a Shoveler, 25 Wigeon, 11 Common Scoter, 142 Kittiwake, 46 Guillemot, 5 Razorbill, 31 Large Auk sp, 23 Red-throated Diver and 3 Gannet made for a decent if unspectacular movement.

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Thursday, 19 January 2023

Heavy overnight frost but then bright and sunny with a F2 north westerly. Watches 0740-0930, 1300-1600.  Little change with the 2 Shore Larks still present and the flock of 14 Snow Buntings in the Warren area reappearing. A Mistle Thrush was a bit of an unusual winter record unlike the now resident Cetti's Warbler elusive still in Sykes field. Up in the Long bank/Kilnsea wetlands area there were 400 Brent Geese, 10 Whooper Swans, 40 Black-tailed Godwit, a red wing tagged Marsh Harrier and a Woodcock in church field.

Some wildfowl movement over the sea with 37 Pink-footed Geese, 10 Shoveler, 3 Wigeon and 14 Common Scoter and good numbers of Auks again 106 Guillemot, 2 Razorbill and 185 Large Auk sp along with 65 Red-throated Diver.

Ringing 3 Redwing, 1 Robin, 4/2

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Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Cold with another heavy frost, ncie sunny weather and an increasing F5 north westerly. Watches 0735-1100, 1300-1600. The Iceland Gull reappeared this time feeding in front of the seawatch hut plus an adult Mediterranean Gull while there was also a good movement of Auks involving 261 Guillemots, 2 Rzorbills and 340 Large Auk sp. There were 2 Long-eared Owls in the area maybe wanderers due to the cold weather and the 2 Shore Larks and 18 Snow Buntings were also still in reisdence. On Kilnsea wetlands the adult Black Brant was with 400 Brent Geese plus 400 Wigeon, 100 Teal and 16 Little Grebes. 

Other bits from around the area saw 100 Cormorants at the point, the Little Owl still at grange farm, a Barn Owl on Easington straight and the Merlin again in Easington.

Ringing 1 Blackbird, 1/1

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Tuesday, 17 January 2023

A heavy frost with plenty of blue skies and a light north westerly. It was a great days birding around the area the celebrity 2 Shore Larks and 20 Snow Buntings still present for visiting birders with beacon ponds holding the Scaup, adult Black Brant and Pale-bellied Brent, 408 Brent Geese, a good count of 642 Wigeon, 32 Shoveler, 110 Teal and 4 Goldeneye with 17 Whooper Swans on Easington straight. 

Other bits from around the area saw 311 Pink-footed Geese and 2 Woodcocks at Sammys, 65 Black-tailed Godwits on the Humber, a Peregrine wandering the area and 12 Yellowhammer in the listening dish hedge.

Ringing Blue Tit 1, Blackbird 1, Chaffinch 1, 3/3

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Monday, 16 January 2023

Sunny spells but becoming cooler in the F3 north westerly. Watches 0740-1145, 1400-1545. A Waxwing north over Kilnsea wetlands was the first for a while, 38 Snow Buntings flocks of of 20 at the gas terminal and 18 at the sewatch hide made for a good total, with the Scaup, adult Black Brant and Pale-bellied Brent on Kilnsea wetlands. 

The Kilnsea wetlands area also held 320 Wigeon, 20 Shoveler, 130 Teal, 4 Goldeneye and 14 Little Grebes.

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Sunday, 15 January 2023

Watches 0735-1105, 1330-1550. It was a busy day of work planting trees and shrubs with little birding in general being done. Saying that an Iceland Gull put in an appearance sat on the sea off the gas terminal then flew north and a Black-throated Diver flew headed the same way from the seawatch hide. The seas other picks were 13 Wigeon, an Eider, single Great Crested Grebe, 25 Kittiwakes, 14 Red-throated Diver and 5 Gannets.

Elsewhere a Grey Wagtail, Chiffchaff and 2 Goldcrests at the sewage works

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Saturday, 14 January 2023

Sunny spells with an increasing F6-8 south westerly. Watches 0735-1035. The 2 Shore Lark were still elusive on beacon ponds (viewed only from the flood bank), the Black Brant nearby on Kilnsea wetlands where the Scaup was still present and the Little Owl on the trailer at grange farm. There were 120 Pintail on the Humber at Sammys and 152 Black-tailed Godwit nearby.

A flock of 5 Velvet Scoters over the sea was very noteworthy along with 26 Wigeon, 12 Teal, 10 Common Scoters, 6 Kittiwakes, a Fulmar and 3 Gannets.

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Friday, 13 January 2023

Bright and sunny rain later with a breezy F8 south westerly. Watches 0735-1115. It was a good day around the area with plenty of decent birding with a Red Kite blogging the area then south, a Short-eared Owl in/off which is unusual for the time of year, Little Gull off the gas terminal and a Mediterranean Gull heading south plus the usual residents including 21 Whooper Swans on Easington straight and 20 Snow Buntings at the gas terminal.

There was a trickle of movement over the sea 32 Wigeon, 13 Teal, 2 Eider, 7 Common Scoter, 25 Guillemot, 2 Razorbill, 62 Large Auk sp, 39 Red-throated Diver and 3 Gannets. 

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Thursday, 12 January 2023

Bright and sunny with a cold strong F7 south westerly. Watches 0755-1010.  The best of the day was a Glaucous Gull south down the Humber and a new in Scaup on Kilnsea wetlands. The 2 Shore Larks were still on beacon ponds, the 19 Snow Buntings at the gas terminal and  27 Whooper Swans on Easington straight, with good totals of 150 Pintail and 1000 Lapwing at Sammys.

Wildfowl numbers were generally low on Kilnsea wetlands area holding 17 Shoveler, 2 Gadwall, 147 Teal, 343 Wigeon and 13 Little Grebes. 

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Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Generally sunny with a cold strong F6 south westerly. Watches 0730-0945. Highlights of the day were the 2 Shore Larks resident at beacon ponds, 19 Snow Buntings still at the gas terminal and a great total of 226 Black-tailed Godwits on the Humber.

The sea remained quiet but a Great Northern Diver flew south.

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Tuesday, 10 January 2023

A dull wet day with a F8 westerly. It was not a great day to be out and about but that did not stop some observers with the 2 Shore Larks and 19 Snow Buntings still present along with the Little Owl at grange farm and a Scaup at Kilnsea wetlands.

Over the sea while no numbers of much there was still 2 Eider and 5 Great Crested Grebes.

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Monday, 09 January 2023

Sunny start with increasing showers and an inreasing F5 south westerly. Watches 0735-0945. It was another day of 'as you were' the 2 Shore Lark ar beacon ponds, 19 Snow Buntings at the gas terminal, 35 Whooper Swans on Easington straight, Little Owl at grange farm and 168 Black-tailed Godwit on Kilnsea wetlands among the usual good numbers of Wigeon and Teal. 

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Sunday, 08 January 2023

Sunny spells with increasingly frequent showers and a strong F7 south westerly.  Watches 0730-1030. The Michael Clegg memorial bird race was well represented at Spurn with 3 teams getting involved, 2 on foot and the other by bike in sometimes questionable conditions. The best team saw 80 species (but a combined total of 93 and plenty of misses shows the potential for a big total). Highlights for the day were 2 Shore Larks at beacon ponds, 19 Snow Buntings on the cliff top at the gas terminal, 38 Whooper Swans on Easington straight, a Little Owl at grange farm, Bearded Tit and Cetti's Warbler at canal scrape, Kingfisher at Sammys, a Mediteranean Gull north over the Obs and a good total of 377 Cormorant out the Humber onto the sea east of chalk bank. Noteable misses for the teams were Gadwall, Sanderling, Razorbill, Jack Snipe, Short-eared Owl, Water Pipit, Red-legged Partridge, Grey Partridge, Peregrine and Tawny Owl. Bird race giveth and bird race taketh away. 

Other birds of note were 5 Goldeneye on beacon ponds, 86 Black-tailed Godwits, a Chiffchaff at the sewage works and a Siskin in Easington.

Just outside the recording area the Black Brant was at Skeffling with 3 hybrids, 3 Pale-bellied Brents among 610 Dark-bellied Brent Geese while the immediate area had a flock of 50+ Fieldfare, 8+ Barn Owls and a Hen Harrier.

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Saturday, 07 January 2023

Heavy intermittent rain with a strong F8 south westrly. Watches 0735-1210. There was no sign of the Shore Larks but the 19 Snow Buntings were still present north of the gas terminal and 41 Whooper Swans on Easington straight with a Kingfisher on Humberside lane a good winter sighting.

Over the sea 5 Velvet Scoter and 330 Teal heading south were noteworthy. 

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Friday, 06 January 2023

Sunny spells with a breezy F7 south westerly. Watches 0735-1005. It was another day of little change which is good for the bird race on Sunday a few extras would not go amiss. The usual 2 Shore Larks at beacon ponds and 37 Whooper Swans on Easington straight were as usual the stand out species while 41 Yellowhammers in the listening dish hedge was a good count. Around the Kilnsea wetlands area 4 Goldeneye, 129 Lapwing and 64 Black-tailed Godwit were noted.

The sea while quiet will hopefully offer a few extra bits over the weekend too with Eider and Great Crested Grebe today being potentialy difficult ones for bird race day.

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Thursday, 05 January 2023

Sunny spells with a light F3 south westerly. Watches 0735-1010. There was little change overall the 2 Shore Larks continuing their stay on the beach at beacon ponds and the 40 Whooper Swans on Easington straight along with a Pale-bellied Brent among ther Brent Goose flock. 

Also of note were 2 Woodcocks, 200 Lapwing on Easington straight and 2 Stonechat on beacon lane.

Ringing 1 Blue Tit, 2 Blackbird, 3/2

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Wednesday, 04 January 2023

A mid day with sunny spells but a breezy F8 south westerly. Watches 0730-1130, 1450-1530. The best of todays sightings included the 45 Whooper Swans and 550 Brent Geese on Easington straight, 20 Snow Buntings on the north side of Easington, a Mediterranean Gull over the sea and 121 Black-tailed Godwits on the wetlands.

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Tuesday, 03 January 2023

Rain all day with a blowy F7 south westerly. Watches 0740-0940. With the weather taking a turn for the worse it was maybe a surprise the 2 Shore Larks were relocated at beacon ponds again while the 20 Snow Buntings were still nearby on Easington. The Purple Sandpiper was again on Easington lagoon and nearby the 40 Whooper Swans on Easington straight.

KIlnsea wetlands had increased counts of 506 Wigeon, 331 Teal, 3 Goldeneye and 138 Black-tailed Godwits.

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Monday, 02 January 2023

Early morning frost with a largely sunny day and a light F3 westerly. Watches 0740-1000. It was a good day around the area largely with the much nicer weather and a few observers out in the field, the best of the sightings being 2 Waxwings along the peninsula, a flock of 20 Snow Buntings at the north side of Easington, 30 Whooper Swans on Easington striaght and a Black Brant and Pale-bellied Brent with 500 Brent Geese on Kilnsea wetlands.

Some movement over the sea saw 80 Pink-footed Geese, 4 Whooper Swans, 2 Edier, 34 Common Scoter and 80 Red-throated Divers on the move. Other bits of note were 2 Cetti's Warblers in the triangle, 80 Black-tailed Godwit on Kilnsea wetlands and 3 Woodcocks around the area.

Ringing 2 House Sparrow, 2/1

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Sunday, 01 January 2023

Mild with the odd glimpse of sun but windy in the F7 south westerly. Watches 0745-1000.  The beginning of a new year saw plenty of observers out and about in the field and some decent birding to get us underway. There were 2 Shore Larks at beacon ponds, 30 Whooper Swans on Easington straight, the Purple Sandpiper still on Easington lagoon, a Black Brant with 400 Brent Geese and a Scaup onto the Humber. 

Other bits of note were a Goosander on beacon ponds, 90 Black-tailed Godwits on Kilnsea wetlands and 2 Water Rail in the triangle.

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